
DIWO meeting notes 10.10.24

[] = details added whilst typing up notes.

[In attendance:

-(e)leanor capstick facillitating



-(r)ory Spencer


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"Vienna school quants as anti-Nazi because the Nazis appealed to emotions."


] -Next meeting West End

-Policy & Governance? next week (more ppl), thumb poll

-Laptop Donation

-Free Art Pitches

-W + b project

-Nature Art list

-W has an idea he won't talk about today

-(l)ouis visit



>Wallpaper table invigilation booth - portable

>performances onces a week/collective activity to be done later that week.

>Get in practice of DOING. Prompts.

>A framework to push back against.

>But where do we start from?

>Biweekly theory meeting.

>Every other week for 2-3 months.

>A vehicle for talking about doing things + creating a bank of prompts.

>Every week 15 minutes [near start of meeting] of talking about performance for 1 month. Note-person writes them down for notes. [Performance bank.],

>Then start to do them.


>CIC--->Bank account [El can do in in December] by when?

>Policy & Governance thumb poll ---> make it rlly 'professional' way to signal we are solid to funders.

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[bureaucracy & organistion]

>Visitors at meetings?

>Meetings Calendar? In the chat.

>Intentionality about what we will discuss at meetings, comm. in chat & on calendar.


>Shared, can take home

>[use to] add stuff to website

>b + r show us how to add things to the website.

>r will make instructions and vid.

WASP14 + bubbleja

>Waterfalls. Linn Park. Trying to find a process of collaboration. Invergarden sketches.

>b used to do similar sketches. Trying to re-establish a painting/drawing practice through collaboration. [W] drew from as close to the water as possible, with eyes closed.

>Draw on top of each other's work.

>Performance - film + audio.


>Disrupt the tradition of landscape painting.

>Start to pay attention to diff. things.

>Subject is impermanent & layered, but freezing it with the print. IMPERMANENCE.

>Document in a way that references the landscape paintings. DRONE? BENCH.

>Victorian history of waterfall visits.

>Professor of Adventure. Millican's hermit cave.

>Closing eyes to get away from the picturesque. Non-aesthetic.

>Agency + resistance - landscape as artist.


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>Art + ecology

+ environment + science

>List to figure out what is good + bad.

>Do's + Don'ts

Rory + Nao

>Work posted again.

>Collecting People, DONE!

>Voyeurism again, this time [accompanied by a] Q&A.

>REDACTIONS after it was done, having to deal with the consequences. VIDEO.

>Did people worry about documenting things so much before social media? It's giving ALISHA AS MEDIATOR. Sunday evening?

>Audio + only some video/photo.


>Plan properly--->stay at the Spencer Estate another time.


>Temporary, permanent.

>Wrap up warm.



>20:11 showing El and WASP14 how to edit website.


DIWO meeting notes 24.9.24

[] = details added whilst typing up notes.

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>Meet on stalled ground near 24 hour carwash on St Andrew's Rd.

>Dusk/Dusky - unanimous decision.

>We check in + then build the collaborative work 'The Theatre of the CLubhouse, Estd. 2024'. (See documentation in DIWO Signal chat, and possibly on this website later on.)

>(b)ubbleja Facilitating & juggling
>(r)ory note-taking
>(c)oire is "just here"

>Meeting begins 18:49


- Discussing statement, continuing conversation from last week's meeting.

- Talk about (l)ouie & c's absentee notes written in response to last week's notes.

- Policy and Governance page on website.

- r's pitch to the collective.

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>Discussing statement, c says "less is more", and we echo sentiments from the previous meeting about letting the work speak for itself. Gravitating towards a smaller statement.

>b: "Do we need more, what final thing shall we add?"

>We should publish for now, and can add something later if req.

>c wishes the nearby [bright LED] advert screens were clearer [to view]. We could cut down those trees r thinks, but then feels guilty probably because he was re-reading a book about choosing a pagan path this morning.

>Cigs rolled, some chat.

>r goes for a wee in the bushes.

>Discussing the Panopticon, and people sat on the street being mistaken for drug dealers.

>b got conspiratorial during lockdown about postmen no delivering mail. BRING POST BACK.

>Discussing Read and Unread messages
- [an over-entitlement to person-person, business-person]accessibility
- 24 hour access

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>There is a metal star hanging from the goalposts.

>Discussing c and l's notes [which are in the DIWO signal chat]

>f reading them aloud.

>In response we suggest adding to the statement, a part where we "clarify why we do things". r suggests asking all members of the collective to answer the question independently, then compile the responses into a list to be printed below the main statement.

>[Onto the topic of] Spontaneity, and the lack of history of the collective working spontaneously as a group, in the moment.

>[r mentions that his pitch scheduled for later in the agenda is relevent to the matter, and b allows it to be moved up.]

>[r hands b a sealed letter-sized envelope which has "free art pitches" on the front and is stealed with a library stamp dated 24.9.24. b unseals it on the podium, r realises he has handed b an envelope containing no actual pitch, and takes the podium. Must do better.]

>[b note-taking whilst r takes the podium]

>r starts proposal pitch on podium. Almost touches poo.

>Creative exercise [for the collective to participate in together at each meeting, 15 mins (for example) being allocated to each meeting, (perhaps as a small break from main agenda items?). The exercise will be to create a up-to 45 minute performance/intervention/happening/incident grave or otherwise to be performed later that same week after the Tuesday evening meeting.

>The performance will be installed alongside a 'portable gallery' that r has constructed (See image A in DIWO signal chat). This gallery contains within it an "invigilation station", which a member of the collective will occupy, and throughout the duration of the performance will fulfill the role of invigilator, safeguardian, and if possible documentarian. They will create an access point for the public to engage w/ performance/intervention/happening/incident grave or otherwise, and will prevent performances/interventions/happenings/incidents grave or otherwise from being disrupted too often.]

>[r back taking notes.]

>We discuss using some prompts for performances written up previously by b as starting points for the creation of performances/interventions/happenings/incidents grave or otherwise.

>c suggests we should try incorporating more self-expression and

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sharing of personal works into our meetings. [b and r fondly recall l's performance in the corner of the Rose Reilly on Albert Rd. during one meeting passed. l faced the collective with his back to the thursday night date night patrons who all looked utterly bewildered and entertained to see louie gyrate and wriggle around on the floor in a dusting of powdered climbing chalk. It is agreed that this should be encouraged in future meetings.]

>b suggests designing a boilerplate form for facillitator to fill out ahead of meetings[, with date, facillitator name, note taker name, and a section to write out the agenda points of the meeting. r has a template for a personal project that he can cannibalise.]

>[r has been showing some example pitches for performances to take place at the portable gallery that he wrote the night before. They have drawings on. See images B-D in DIWO signal chat. Also see image E for initial summary of proposal.]

>[We are discussing possible performances for the collective to do together. c talks about how miserable people using major shopping centres (such as the centre of town) look, and mentions the levity witnessing art in these spaces (especially free art) brings even just for a glance.]


>[We jam on performance ideas in these shopping spaces, jam started by b's idea of TRUDGING around with really really heavy bags of shopping from shop to shop all the way up the high street. Other variations put forward include: - carry as many bags as possible - fill bags with soft plush toys - fill bags with COAL, could borrow some from c's mum who has an aga and is a very kind person]

>b suggests we propose the performance jam/portable gallery idea to members of the collective at the next meeting, all agree.

>WALKING TO MCNEILL'S [BECAUSE IT IS GETTING CHILLY. b adds a final touch to The Theatre of the Clubhouse, Estd. 2024, a sign that reads "This is a stalled space, but not for long" or something to that effect.]

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>20:16 Arrive at McNeill's. 30 minutes of off the record on walk here. DIWO chat that we shall never discuss again.

>b and c discussing Unabomber, acoustic instruments tuning up in the background.

>c has to go soon?


>Squeaking from metal guitar strings sounds like killing mice

>[c: "Stop killing the mice!"]

>c & r (who's names rhyme) are visibly bothered by the high-pitched noise.

>"Malicious Mischief"

>b: "...the best crime you could ever be convicted of."

>Policy and Governance agenda item sacked off [by b].

>We begin discussing other things we can do to foster community with each other.

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>cont. Fostering community.

- Movement Games Silliness. - Finding ways to discuss things without words. - Coming up with ideas without talking.


>Being silly in public places - CIVIC DUTY.

>b gives example of him and (fL)iss at Exit [nightclub] clownified.

>A song starts with 2 major chords, a minor chord, and finishes on a major chord. This is called a cadence (?check). His voice is throaty and perfectly round. A mandolin accompanies.

>It's John Prine!!!

>r requests more John Prine. c says goodbye and leaves.

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>UNADJOURNED [b taps table twice].

>[At next week's meeting] r wants to propose inviting Greater Govanhill [local magazine] journalist friend to a future meeting. [He today expressed an interest in any of DIWO's upcoming projects and events.]

>We should ask [in the DIWO signal chat] who wants to facillitate/take notes next week.

>We (r + b) want to do it in the new clubhouse and build a fire to gather round. [Perhaps we could do this as next week's check-in, there is plenty of wood around the area and b thinks he has some kindling.]

>READJOURNED [b taps table twice].

>[b + r finish the evening by continuing to discuss:

- the creation of a posting guide for the website. - the reformatting of a used laptop owned by r into a terminal to be shared by collective members for the primary purpose of updating the website.

>We leave the pub in a puff of smoke.]


>15:55 rory is testing out the website.


>19:57 New website up. bubbleja has been listening to Hawkwind's song Urban Guerilla.


>00:16 Many of the collective are away on holiday. The ones who have remained are working on smaller projects together.


>18:34 Rory arrives and takes a seat, closely followed by WASP14 and Coire.

>18:38 We are talking about the fundraiser night we held last Friday, specifically WASP14' livestream, which entailed Rory following WASP14 on a bike on the way to a bank.

>18:41 Bubbleja arrives with a bottle of homebrewed wine, Rory gives him El's moneybox with the door takings 184.10.

>18:48 Bubbleja is going away to a squat festival for a couple weeks (back 13th May) and when he's back WASP14 is proposing we occupy the amphitheatre, spread grass around the stage and bake banana bread.

>18:53 WASP14 proposes a poster set in a kitchen, everyone in gorilla masks around the hob which has a saucepan full of unpeeled bananas.

>18:53 A few banana recipes that can be cooked on an open flame (gas or fire).

>18:59 Rory's about to slip away for a wee in the bushes.

>19:00 We discuss hiring an older woman to engage the Lidl security guards in conversation whilst some gorillas buy some bananas.

>19:04 Rory proposes a photo taking disruption, wherein a couple ask a stranger to take a photo of them, but then proceed to invite anyone passing to join the photo, forcing the stranger to take more and more distance to fit everyone in. Queen's Park on Sunday, Sauchiehall Street on Saturday Night and on of the bridges over the Clyde at rush hour are proposed as locations.

>19:06 Bubbleja mentions an idea for a poem book collaged from climbing instruction books. Coire suggests installing them in libraries.

>19:09 Coire has created a lot of cement pigeons, currently occupying their bedroom.

>19:11 We are talking about pigeons, and an inter-collective competitions to see how many pigeons each of us could bait to the amphitheatre. A 'litter' of pigeons is one collective noun used to describe a flock.

>19:14 You can hear the voices of people walking around the hedge that borders the amphitheatre. Murmurs.

>19:17 West End pigeons are nice, and fat like Linn Park pigeons.

>19:18 Rory eats his first Werther's Original, WASP14 has to return to work.

>19:20 We're discussing installation locations for Coire's cement pigeons.

>19:23 WASP14 exits stage left.

>19:26 An old collie dog arrives with a bit of wood, which it reluctantly drops for us to throw. It retrieves it, and clearly dissatisfied with Rory's throw sits down to chew on it a few feet away. Owner unknown.

>19:31 We listen in on the skaters discussing good grinding spots on the steps.

>19:32 Bubbleja recommends a documentary called 'Carts of Darkness' about homeless people in Canada bombing down hills in shopping trolleys.

>19:36 We discuss being silly in public, such as dancing down alleyways or tokyo-drifting shopping trolleys round the supermarket. Rory considers it a civic responsibility to act unusually for the liberation of others.

>19:38 Collie is back for another throw.

>19:40 We congratulate ourselves again on the success of the fundraiser on friday.

>19:42 Coire mentions some 3D scans they have made of various locations, but doesn't know what to do with them.

>19:46 Meeting quietly adjourned. Coire is headed to Lidl, Bubbleja is going home to buy a train ticket and Rory is off for a wander.


>17:55 Rory arrives, perspiring slightly from the cycle ride. He's wearing a light blue shirt which will clearly show sweat patches once the night is underway.

>18:08 The place is astir with activity. Speaker checks, polytunnel plastic wrapping every surface, a red glow highlights everything.

""I've got so many drugs in my pocket."

>19:01 The floor is cleared, people are smoking cigarettes, dub is playing. We're all smelling good.

>19:10 Rory has yet to fill both teams.

>19:11 1 ticket sold, they are early.

>19:29 Noa arrives just in time.

>19:30 Late arrival. Late ambiance. Green and black and blue feeling. Orange drinks, purple lights. Sharpness. Energy prevails />

>19:34 We are open!

>1935 Nerves abound....!!! Who's going to show up?

>19:42 outside, cold, dry, plastic wrap and butcher blocks. Fliss' finger - ouch. Energy ->

>19:45 WASP14' livestram is at risk whilst we search for an iPhone charger.

>19:48 Louis hasn't been seen for a while.

>19:49 The Red Door Club is empty except for rory on the door and Reuben setting up the decks.

>19:55 Fliss sat at the desk while Rory went for a lash.

>19:56 A ball bounced into the room?

>19:57 Murmuring.

>20:00 A person all in red walks in and almost immediately vanishes into the glow of the club.

>20:10 2 more tix. The beginning is always hard.

>20:25 Rory keeps missing cash payments on the door. He's bad with money.

>20:27 Noa assumes control of the door.

>20:29 takeover cash table. El discusses with Shank, Rory pretends to be relaxed (so he says). Energy /> Bubbleja on decks and Keiron screen

>20:52 =People are entering through a side door & missing our ultra secure door fee.

=people entering through a wormhole of other door. Rory reaches under table x5. El writes a note for door. With gusto. Energy ->

>20:53 Rory is a nervous wreck for some reason. Noa is dancing on the door. The club is filling up.

>21:09 We're full?! About 40 people.

>21:14 the dark has arrived. I can only see Rory and El and Fliss. Lucky on the decks making me feel lucky and pingy (is that a word). Tracing shapes in the room, people are finally listening. Energy ->->->^->->^

>21:24 Energy \/\/ BIG DROP INCOMING RATATATATA 180 BPM (syncopated)

>21:32 ARGH

>21:35 Energy ^^ again - coming up, down, all, around, the TOWN

>21:57 the football, a tremendous success

Loud cheers

Large beers

Hip hip hurrah

(they) are the champions

>22:28 let the party set the PULSE *heart heart heart with energy radiating off hearts*

2 min- Fliss on

Big news, big days

>22:29 Fliss performance.

>22:30 Let the bodies hit the flooooooooooooor.

>22:32 Fliss is dancing to Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush. A man in a gorilla maks has just joined in, it's very romantic.

>22:33 Applause!!!

>22:34 - wuthering heights

>22:35 music back on. @ half past, Fliss is on. Currently outside having a small pre-P opanic (PPP) perfectly normal !

>23:05 documentation poor as I watch

Rory from across the room

Boom boom

'Crazy 4 u '



the essence

>23:08 Rory & WASP14 have been trying to sort his livestream out for for some time now.

>23:09 "mate get this down CHEAPER DRUGS NOW!"

>23:24 divestream livestream live

People are watching

Again, attentive

Ivory focus

Ivory like the elephant

Rory shows his Casio (23:25)

-> time of my night

>00:14 =Signing off.

=night to a close - he lives with an aristocrat. It was worth it. Signing OFF

DIWO Meeting 12.03.24

>18:36 Rory has arrived and has a pint but no food in his belly.

>18:41 WASP14 arrives with a Diet Coke.

>18:43 Bubbleja arrives bearing a Guinness and a samosa.

>18:54 Secretgroundsmen arrives with a normal Coca Cola.

>18:59 El arrives, no drink yet.

>19:17 Everyone is catching up. Wle went for a Tennents. Rory has be organising his practice presentation.

>19:19 Bubbleja met someone on the train who asked permission to dissociate , possibly so they didn't have to talk to him.

>19:21 Rory woke up thinking art sucks and also blows but managed to pull< himself out of it in time for the meeting. He no longer thinks "Fuck art" but is back to "Fuck, art!"

>19:27 We are meandering towards a conversation about audience. Bruce Namann is mentioned.

>19:31 Will there be such a thing as an artist in the future?

>19:37 Still no Louis. We are talking about fly-posting & how to make work stand out when the urban space is already so saturated with attention-grabbing images and text.

>19:44 Louis will be another 30 minutes. Rory is looking forward to fly-posting but mainly for the walk and the fresh air.

>19:50 We are just chatting really. This and that have already been covered, onto rhubarb and nattering next.

>19:51 A brief mention of the potential of Queen's Park ampitheatre for public works, we we devolve into bemoaning it's corndoning off during summer.

>19:52 Rose Reilly is full of elegant couples and urbane groups.

>19:56 We are all strange people. WASP14 squeezes Rory's nipple with consent.

>There is a lot of chat going undocumented but we will remember it. Artists have a lot to say don't they.

>20:01 Cig break.

>20:14 Louis arrives after a nap.

>20:18 Rory gives a presentation on his previous practice - Snitch Publishes - and how it has continued to inform his current work.

>20:37 We are now discussing graffiti. Jorts is mentioned. Knowing knowing knowing - being observed is key.

>20:39 El presents - she has brought a suitcase full of stuff. Books about Protestantism's connection with capitalism, the fairground organ, ghost ships, popular airline sizers, theatre as political practice, the weather ("Who can fail to be thrilled by y the magnificent pageantry of the clouds") anatomy of performance training, a novel set in Kent after the apocalypse. Puppets and plastic things are introduced, held, rustled and shared by the group. Now newts/newt masks. "I thought it'd be funny to be a newty". Big gloves with extended fingers made from old inner tubes. El's practice fits into a suitcase, we discuss the portability of practice.

>20:47 Another puppet - Cher. El & an old tutor would meet on Microsoft Teams, bring along share videos and then make puppets inspired by those conversations. Also - collages.

>21:02 Lena will sadly not be attending. Fly-posting time is coming up.

>21:05 Bubbleja reads a poem to begin his presentation. He goes onto 'The Windup Bird Chronicles by Murakami. "When I'm making something I know I will not be able to express it" (paraphrased). Choices you are forced to make during the creative process affect the outcome in a frustrating way (paraphrased).

>21:07 'From the Descent of Winter' by William Carlos Williams was the earlier poem. The cover illustration is an old favourite: 'Hunters in the Snow' 1565 by Pieter Brueghel.

>21:09 Nothing is real again.

>21:11 Where does beauty lie?

>21:17 hungry again.

>21:18 WASP14' presentation of images of older works. Installations, grapphic works. Works inspired by the dilution of senses (refer to previously mentioned lithographs from meeting 27.03.24).

>21:23 The impermeability of artist statements.

>21:36 Hungry! We are talking about markmaking in public spaces - specifically marking the borders of publically accessible spaces with chalk or paint.

>21:38 Some members of the group, given a choice would prefer to be convicted of 'malicious mischief'.

>21:39 Secretgroundsmen's ramble begins. It's all about football but maybe it's not all about football. Football in the city, football as language. The website philosophy footbal sells t-shirts. "All my morals and obligations I owe to football." - Albert Camus.

>21:42 "...Think think think, lift your head, move, see, think. Pum First time. Look for spaces. All day I'm always looking... Space space space... What are you playing for? What's the point?" - Xavi.

>21:44 Secretgroundsmen restored wasteland football pitches in the dead of night - THE SECRET GROUNDSMAN! Mapping wasteland pitches, restoration work became more archival.

>21:54 Football origination as sun worship in farming communities - you must retain posession of this holy object.

>21:58 Secretgroundsmen has a new site for another football match.

>22:02 Louis' preseentation. El has written LOUIS' BAGS in large bubble text. Louis is getting even more dressed up. Swimming goggles feature, as do 2 balaclavas, a flashing headtorch and some webbing.

>22:07 Cig break.

>22:18 Louis is sat underneath a blanket ready to present. Everyone else is still smoking.

>22:19 Performance commences.

>22:20 There's chalk in the air and a lot of fondling of fabric. Confused expressions on the rest of the patrons faces. Not completely sure what's going on . Secretgroundsmen is reading a notebook Louis handed to her. Rory is documenting.

>22:23 More notebooks are being produced and handed out. Louis is documenting Rory documenting.

>22:23 It feels heartening to see this in a pub. A headtorch is flashing.

>22:25 Performance ceases. WASP14 says Louis looked alone for a while.

>22:26 Louis just wanted to say that it was good to hear everyone talking about their work and that it was very useful for him. The group concurs.

>22:27 Rambling and verbalising helps develop individual practises.

>22:28 There are chalk marks on the floor. Louis was listening to Jorja Smith's Little Things to prepare for his performance.

>22:30 Adjourned, thanks shared. Posters are about to go up along Victoria Road.


>Rory arrives 18:31, at the right pub?

>WASP14 arrives, followed by Fliss and Bubbleja. Louis and El enter at 18:40.

>Rory is so tired and doubting his ability to be a creative person at all forever.

>There some goblins drinking Venoms in the corner opposite us. Hating everyone and everything.

>Secretgroundsmen has arrived, we are ready to begin.

>18:48: Bubbleja facilitating.

>The football is on an enormous screen above WASP14' head which Rory and Secretgroundsmen will find it difficult to avoid watching. El is tearful.

>Bubbleja has brought a book called An Anecdotal Topography of Chance by Daniel Spierri. The author has documented all of the objects on his desk with a number and a top-down diagram.

>Queen's Park Cafe is full of the same old men drinking the same old pints.

>Crystal Palace go 1-0 up against Burnley.

>We are discussing the permanence of objects in our lives, and attachment & memories associated with said objects. Louis likes going through rubbish, it is the memory of of people's actions discarded. Bubbleja also likes going in bins.

>El mentions the phrase 'non-documentation'.

>Louis recorded himself reviewing the site where he is building his fence, before and after he worked on it with Bubbleja & Rory, paying attention to the change in the space.

>A McDonald's advert is on the TV. Family angle.

>18:59: "Time + Space + Place"

>Editing documentation. At what point are we destroying the 'truth' of what we are supposed to be documenting? We favour more 'meaningful' perspectives not just because they show what we are wanting to show but because of our personal biases of what should be shown.

>We are now specifically discussing facial expressions and representations in documentation. Bubbleja is not comfortable with his face appearing in conjunction with his artwork.

>Rory needs a piss because he has drunk his beer quite quickly.

>WASP14 is describing a series of lithographs he created to document his own sense, using increasingly diluted inks until the mark-making became invisible.

>El is telling the story of David Hammons, who sold snwoballs on an african rug and pissed on some big metal sculptures.

>Bubbleja has steered towards a discussion about how Diwo wants to approach documentation of it's events. What is the role of documentation in our work?

>WASP14 proposes the idea of recording one another describing other members' works. Earlier, Rory explained Louis' fence work off the cuff. We are concerned that as soon as we are aware of being recorded the manner of explanation/documentation will be altered by self-consciousness.

>Rory is about to make a break for a piss.

>What makes the cut?

>The television has become less distracting but still remains bright and tantalising. Luckily there no actual football being shown.

>El is talking about the possibility of 'over-documenting' - so much information that it becomes impossible to derive meaning from it.

>Rory has a dating stamp that he uses to document/contextualise his work as he has no time to do any other form of recording consistently. One day he will put everything in order.

>Secretgroundsmen has a friend who records himself listening to Blue Monday a lot.

>There is so much information about football on the screen. How is anyone supposed to take it all in.

>Secretgroundsmen has brought along some screencaps of the Center of Land Use Interpretation, trying to understand the man-made landscape. It is a massive database containing collections of man-made rocks, viewing devices, etc, etc.

>19:29 Sweet relief.

>Louis is a bit pissed as he has not eaten today. El offers Saturday's lentils.

>El made macaroons. Or are they meringues? Louis is eating something with potatoes on it. We are discussing how documentation will be uploaded to the website.

>Scottish Premiership: Rodgers criticised for ending interview with female reporter by saying "Good girl" on Saturday.

>19:38: We are talking a lot about documentation.

>Our website's documentation page should not be overly refined. It should be a repository without prioritising flair or aesthetic.

>El is reading a bit of writing about bio-politics.

>19:47: the first cig break.

>1957: We're sitting back down again. Music has been put on in the pub which may inhibit further discussion. El gives Rory a hug because he is feeling lonely.

>WASP14 has bought a gorilla mask but it didn't arrive in time to show at the meeting.

>20:03: Manchester City kick off against Luton. Erling Haaland scores almost immediately at 03:15-ish.

>Gorillas still being discussed. Bubbleja is eating a banana.

>WASP14 emailed TFL in character. Rats rats rats rats rats rats rats rats rats rats rats. the emails became screenprints.

>Secretgroundsmen has a friend who had their front two teeth knocked out from opening a skip. They subsequently sued GSA.

>20:12: Meandering anecdotes.

>Bubbleja and WASP14 have had a meeting about facilitation.

>El is planning on going to Indonesia. How do farmers in that area make irrigation channels?

>Has anyone in Diwo managed to hold onto love? Probably won't include this in the notes.

>The football has become very distracting. Haaland just got dragged to ground. Professional foul. He scores again from the free kick.

>More ideas are being discussed, walks arranged etc.

>20:19: Fruitless tasks are being discussed. Forestry and conservation work for example.

>Are all televisions this big?

>Fliss has disappeared.

>Bubbleja mentions the Toll Bar near Kinning Park has offered it's downstairs bar for us to use for a fundraising night. Quick pil on about applying for funding being extremely difficult for work outside of galleries, we have to be inventive with our income stream.

>Haaland has a sever undercut. He is quite a curious looking fellow.

>202:28: Discussing what entertainment we could put on at our night to make it a draw. Dub and a puppet show?

>Should we register as a CIC for money stuff?

>We don't trust banks. The money will most likely be buried in Queen's Park with only a WhatThreeWords address to relocate it.

>We also do not want to be affiliated with Google.

>Onto a discussion about contacts, site map, etc. Rory is glancing at the football.

>20:38 ...

>20:41: El saw an old couple on a tandem. Not too old, but older.

> Haaland has gotten a hatrick 41 minutes in.

>Rory is fading to black.

>We are finishing with making a plan about an event. It's almost half-time + 3 minutes extra time.

>Rory will be making the poster for the event.

>Set up a burner intsagram account for the event to trick the algorithm.

>20:51: Last thoughts, what's next week?

>Improv sock puppet night?

>Tuesday 12th March next meeting, everyone presents their practice.

>A quiet night, it was nice to hang out with everyone. Hoping McNeill's is open next week so football and fatigue isn't a constant distraction. And the punters aren't such fucking goblins.

>Adjourned 20:55.


>Commences 18:40ish

>Louis facillitating. Robert McCormack attending for the first time.

>Despair gone after running.

>The week never ends.

>WASP14 has brought a petrified branch that is 240 million years old.

>Rory brings a poster for his football club then realises show and tell is not supposed to be for work.

>El brings the internal mechanism of a music box that her cat has broken.

>Fliss has brought her childhood cornet that a stranger from facebook found in a skip.

>Bubbleja's piece was a fire in the Bronze Age stone circle in Queen's Park. He installed an upturned pyrex dish with a camera underneath at the base of the fire. Camera is fucked.

>We discuss what objects we placed on the fire. Rory added a pencil. Others placed writing and Fliss burnt a dreamcatcher on the end of an extendable metal rod normally used for toasting marshmallows.

>Bubbleja has made ink from the ashes.

>Zoned out a bit.

>El is doing a kite-making workshop at her flat in Pollockshields this Saturday.

>We discuss a dedicated documentation role, then a pastoral role, raised by Louis. WASP14 complains that it's getting too bureaucratic and we should be talking about artmaking. The group seems to disagree.

>We talk more about the facillitator role. Rory has neglected his promise to help Fliss and feels terrible.

>We take a cigarette break. Rory calls his friend Laura and watches Bubbleja mount the wall overlooking Queen's Park station.

>El is now eating daal made using a boxed spice mix and it smells great. Rory is very hungry.

>We decide to hold weekly meetings on Tuesdays for the foreseeable.

>Now re-discussing the aforementioned pastoral role, and a consensus is reached to make it less formal, and instead do more social activities to strengthen bonds within the collective. For example a bike ride planned by Secretgroundsmen or Rory's football club on thursdays.

>Onto the Tollcross Glasshouse project. El works near there? The council have renovated the space but aren't doing anything with it. We talk about gorillas and their diet, WASP14 insists they eat bamboo shoots and is proved right by a google search. We applaud with contrition.

>We continue talking about gorillas. It's a group fascination. WASP14 mentions tracing shadows in a gorilla costume.

>10 minutes later - still gorillas with no sign of moving on. Everyone seems very happy.

>A film called AAAAAH! is mentioned by Louis; there may be more a's in the title.

>Bubbleja loses his mini lime-green bic lighter in the ether under the table and it is quickly found with the help of the group.

>Secretgroundsmen begins talking about an idea Lena and her had about meta-documentation, suggests pasting up a still from the football game last month on the large pillars supporting the motorway.

>We're talking about the football again.

>Wrapping up time, Bubbleja is talking about an aerial hoop idea near an abandoned train track.

>A man selling roses walks in whilst Louis is talking about building a willow fence on Garnet Hill.

>WASP14 is going ahead with tracing shadows.

>A bit more shop talk about how the collective is running. A mix of reflection and speculation.

>Adjourned 21:19